Get to know Downtown Clinton
The perfect place to VOLUNTEER…
The Clinton Main Street Program was established in 1982 and is in its 40th year of defining a vision and plan of work for Downtown Clinton. The plan seeks to realize the vision by guiding the promotion and preservation of downtown, and by facilitating the strengthening and recruitment of downtown businesses. Four working Main Street Committees – Design, Promotion, Economic Vitality, and Organization – were established in the fall of 2012 to accomplish the plan of work. Since 2012 these committees have continued to develop an annual work plan which has a goal of maintaining a vibrant Downtown Clinton.
Please contact Mary Rose, Clinton Planning Director/Main Street Manager at: mmr@cityofclintonnc.com, or by phone at (910) 299-4904, ext. 3017.
The board of the Clinton Development Corporation serves as the Advisory Board for the Clinton Main Street Program. Current members include:
Beth Stewart, President
Greg Thornton, Vice-President
Ed Carr, Treasurer
Frank Butler
Johnny Pridgen
Regina Parker
Bill Scott
Each of the Main Street committees is working steadily to achieve their goals and objectives laid forth in the Clinton Main Street Program’s Plan of Work.
•Goal: To achieve a structure for the betterment of downtown to activate and maintain public-private partnerships.
•Objective: To facilitate the growth of an economically viable downtown Clinton.
•Members: Beth Stewart, Greg Thornton, Ed Carr, Frank Butler, Johnny Pridgen, Regina Parker, Bill Scott
•Goal: To create awareness of downtown Clinton and its diverse offerings.
•Objective: To bring people downtown and create a destination for opportunities.
•Members: Kay Raynor, Tonya Parrish, Wally Bashlor, Jessica Bashlor, Stephaine Graham, Denise Rentz, Meredith Horne, Carol Kopp, Erica Tyndall
•Goal: To create an inviting downtown atmosphere at all times.
•Objective: To encourage business and residential development while maintaining historic character.
•Members: Debbie Roberts, Beth Stewart, Wendy Carr, Kara Donatelli, Wendi Ferrell, Grace Ho Yang, Chasity Herring, Shawn Purdie, Eva Thornton, Joan Bjork, Kristi Williford
•Goal: To make downtown an attractive investment opportunity
•Objective: To maintain and grow the economic viability of downtown for current and future generations.
•Members: Bill Scott, Bart Rice, Deborah Thompson, Joyce Owen, Kirstin Jamerson
Historic Preservation in Downtown Clinton
Historic Preservation Commission:
The heart of downtown has been designated as both a National Register Historic District and local historic district. The National Register designation may assist in applications for historic rehabilitation tax credits from the state and federal governments. The local historic district designation exists to preserve the historic integrity and atmosphere of the downtown core.
All properties in the District are subject to the Historic District Design Guidelines, which were adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission in December 2003 and are available for reference online and at our office (227 Lisbon Street).
One important part of the Design Guidelines is the review of proposed changes to properties in the District to ensure the historic character of the District is maintained. Certain kinds of work – namely, changes to exterior appearance, design, or materials, including signage – done on the outside of a building within the district require a stamp of approval called a Certificate of Appropriateness, which is issued by the Historic Preservation Commission. Please contact our office at (910) 299-4904 if you have any questions, or if you are considering doing work on the exterior of your building.
Current members of the Historic Preservation Commission: Joel Rose, Greg Thornton, Frank Leak, Debbie Roberts, Susan Heath, Whit Tart, and Candace Taylor.